New GREENCAP publication by BeD and TUD

We are proud to share a new publication by our GREENCAP partners from BeD and TUD, titled: “Venice’s macroalgae-derived active material for aqueous, organic, and solid-state supercapacitors” featured in Chemical Engineering Journal.

This study explores the development of self-doped porous activated biochar derived from Venice lagoon’s Sargassum brown macroalgae (ABS), utilizing thermochemical carbonization followed by CO₂ activation. The resulting material demonstrates a high specific surface area (821 m²/g) and heteroatom doping (N, O, S), both crucial for enhancing supercapacitor (SC) performance.

Key findings highlight ABS as a sustainable, high-performance material for energy storage, attributing its superior electrochemical behavior to multi-scale porosity, heteroatom doping, and improved surface wettability, facilitating efficient charge accumulation and electrolyte diffusion. These findings reinforce the potential of ABS-based SCs as a promising solution for next-generation energy storage applications.

Congratulations to BeD and TUD on this remarkable achievement.

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