Second General Assembly meeting in Dublin

On 3-4 July the GREENCAP consortium met in the beautiful city of Dublin for the second GA meeting, hosted by partner TCD. The two-day meeting was packed with insightful discussions on the project advances and the direction to take for future progress!

In addition to the engaging presentations and discussions, participants had the privilege of experiencing an informative and captivating tour of Trinity College Dublin’s state-of-the-art research facilities. Led by esteemed researchers and professors, the tour offered unique insights into the cutting-edge work being conducted for the development of CRM-free supercapacitors.
From advanced materials characterization labs to prototype testing facilities, the tour provided a glimpse into the innovative processes and technologies that are driving the GREENCAP project forward.

No doubt, The GREENCAP project’s consortium, with its diverse range of expertise and access to cutting-edge facilities, is well-positioned to make significant strides in the field of sustainable energy storage.

As we conclude this inspiring second General Assembly, we are grateful for the opportunity to not only connect and learn from each other but also witness the tangible impact of our collective efforts. The fruitful discussions, collaborations, and enlightening tours have further fuelled our determination to reach our GREENCAP common goals and contribute to the development of more sustainable solutions!

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