Organisation Introduction
CNR, the largest public research institution in Italy, promotes, spreads, transfers and improves research activities in the main sectors of knowledge to apply them for the scientific, technological, economic, and social development of the country. ISM-CNR performs interdisciplinary cutting-edge research ranging from physics to chemistry and materials science, pursued through the synergy of theoretical/computational and experimental methods, with the use of laboratory-based and large-scale facilities instrumentations. Specifically relevant to GREENCAP project, research at ISM-CNR is largely devoted to the field of Energy & Environment, pursuing the concepts of the European Green Deal and economic-environmental sustainability. ISM-CNR promotes a great effort towards the research for innovative ideas for renewable energy, thanks to its long experience in the study of matter and the design, synthesis and analysis of functional nano-, micro-, macro-scale materials.
Why this project?
The GREENCAP project goal is to develop sustainable CRM-free supercapacitors to be used as electrochemical energy storage systems. The project consortium, involving universities and companies, is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach to the topic. Sustainability, multidisciplinarity and energy are important keywords in the ISM-CNR history and crucial topics of its current activity. The Institute, founded at the beginning of the ’80s, has a long tradition in material characterization ranging from common laboratory investigation to large scale facilities such, as synchrotrons. Resulting from the merging of two CNR institutes whose main field were physics and chemistry, ISM-CNR is an inherently multidisciplinary institute carrying out research activities in the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science. In last decades, the global need, reaffirmed by the Paris Agreement, to devote the excellence of science to counteract climate changes is directing many of the scientific efforts of the ISM-CNR institute towards the study of novel materials to support the sustainability paradigm.
What in this project?
The CNR unit will perform advanced material and material/interface characterizations of the developed electrode/electrolyte materials. In particular, high-resolution synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and soft X-ray regimes will consent the compositional characterization and study of the valence electronic structure of the provided samples; the structural properties will be investigated using lab-scale X-ray diffraction; the morphological and electronic surface properties of the synthesized 2D materials will be studied at the atomic level by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy.

The GREENCAP-project will take advantage of the ISM CNR multiscale material and device characterisation platform from laboratory to synchrotron scale. The project will grant, in turn, to this unit the possibility to deepen its know-how in the field of frontier materials for sustainable energy storage technologies, supporting the transition towards climate-neutrality.