Technische Unversität Dresden, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials
Technische Unversität Dresden, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials
Organisation Introduction
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) has its roots in the Royal Saxon Technical School that was founded in 1828. Today, it is a university that unites the natural and engineering sciences with the humanities and social sciences, as well as medicine. TUD is one of the largest technical universities in Germany and has been one of Germany’s “Universities of Excellence” since 2012. TUD is involved in GreenCap project with two departments Chair of Molecular Functional Materials (TUD-MFM) and Institute of Building Climatology (TUD-IBK).
In TUD-MFM, we are exploring precision chemistry and synthesis to discover new materials with emergent phenomena and properties to address global challenges.
In particular, our research activities are focused on the following areas:
- Exploration of precision chemistry with new synthetic methodologies and strategies.
- Exploring the unique properties of new materials and discovering new chemical and physical phenomena.
- Development of next-generation materials for electronics, optoelectronics, spintronics, energy storage/conversion,
- Creating new energy storage and conversion devices, especially through the integration of exotic materials and new chemistry.
Why this project?
TUD-MFM is leading the fields of (electro-) chemical exfoliation of 2D layered materials and developing 2D material inks/pastes for printable high-power energy storage devices like supercapacitors. In particular, we have developed printed micro-supercapacitors and flexible supercapacitors with high energy and power densities as well as with multifunctional properties like thermo-responsiveness and electrochromism. Therefore, the GreenCap-project objectives are completely in the limelight of our activities. Moreover, with the help of the industrial partners, we could bring our research results to practical applications.
What in this project?
Within the GreenCap project, TUD-MFM will develop (functionalized) graphene and MXene for application in supercapacitor electrodes. Moreover, we will prototype supercapacitor pouch cells based on graphene, MXene, and ionic liquids to provide valuable information for the industrial production of cylindrical cells in our industrial partner production line, Skeleton.

“The GREENCAP-project helps us to bring our new and sustainable energy storage materials to practical applications and contribute to addressing the energy crises as one the global challenges in a sustainable manner.”