Novel CRM-free electrode materials and IL-based electrolytes for SCs

We’re excited to share the latest progress from our GREENCAP partners, who have been working towards eliminating critical raw materials (CRMs), adopting eco-friendly processing methods, and establishing rigorous characterization and quality control protocols.

Key achievements include:

  • Production of Few-Layer Graphene (FLG): The project successfully replaced harmful solvents like N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) with sustainable water-based media for the production of FLG, improving its synthesis sustainability.
  • Electrochemical Exfoliation of Synthetic Graphite: A novel method for the electrochemical exfoliation of synthetic graphite has been developed. This method utilizes dilute aqueous inorganic salt solutions and electric potential to induce delamination of graphite layers, leading to the production of graphene flakes.
  • Synthesis of CRM-Free MXenes: Various CRM-free MXenes have been synthesized using mild etching and molten salt methods. This development minimizes reliance on critical raw materials and enhances the potential for sustainable, high-performance Ems.
  • Formulation of Ionic Liquids (ILs): The project has developed a range of aprotic ILs aimed at enhancing energy storage capacity and electrochemical performance of SCs. Protonated ILs were also synthesized specifically for use with MXene-based electrodes to improve performance.
  • Upscaling of Electrolyte Production: One particular IL, 1 M N1113 FSI in ACN, is currently being upscaled to the kilogram scale for use in the first prototypes of supercapacitors.

The innovative methodologies and materials developed provide a strong foundation for future commercialization and scientific exploration in the field of energy storage. The outcomes not only align with the project’s goals but also offer insights into the potential impact of sustainable practices in energy storage technologies.

Read the summary of this report on our website.

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Project progress


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