Get to know Amanda Generosi from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Hello, my name is Amanda Generosi! I am a material science researcher at ISM CNR in Rome and an adjunct professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where I teach Inorganic Chemistry. With a strong foundation in chemical and physical sciences, I am passionate about exploring the structural properties of matter, with a focus on advanced materials for energy applications.

As a researcher, I have had the opportunity to collaborate on several interdisciplinary international projects aimed at discovering and studying novel materials for energy conversion and storage. I am particularly interested in the physical and chemical investigation of technologically relevant materials, utilizing unconventional X-ray spectroscopy techniques, as well as traditional X-ray diffraction, optical spectroscopies, and microscopy.

In my role as an educator, I am dedicated to fostering curiosity and critical thinking in my students. I strive to create an engaging and supportive learning environment that encourages them to explore and apply scientific principles to real-world challenges.

I am excited to be part of the GREENCAP project and look forward to contributing my expertise to our shared goals.

What was your original motivation to become a researcher?
My original motivation to become a researcher stemmed from a deep curiosity about the fundamental workings of the world around me. From an early age, I was fascinated by the sciences, particularly chemistry and physics, as they offered a way to understand the intricate structures and behaviors of matter. I wanted to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and find ways to apply this understanding to real-world problems, especially in the field of energy and materials science.

Over time, this curiosity evolved into a passion for discovery and innovation. Research, to me, is the perfect combination of problem-solving and creativity. It allows me to explore unanswered questions, push boundaries, and contribute to meaningful advancements that can impact society. My work in materials for energy applications is especially fulfilling because it combines my interest in chemistry and physics with the urgent global need for sustainable energy solutions.

What is your (main) research area today?
My primary research focuses on the structural investigation of materials with technological relevance, particularly for energy applications. I specialize in studying materials used in photovoltaics and energy storage devices and my work delves into the chemical and physical phenomena that contribute to aging and degradation effects in these materials. By understanding these processes, I aim to enhance the performance and longevity of those technologies. In addition to exploring the fundamental properties of these materials, I investigate how environmental and operational factors influence their stability and efficiency. This comprehensive approach not only helps in improving the current technologies but also contributes to the development of more durable and efficient energy solutions.

What is the main objective of your team in GREENCAP?
The ISM CNR SpecX Lab is dedicated to the structural characterization of materials produced by our partners. Our primary focus is on investigating how structural modifications in various components—such as electrodes and electrolytes—affect the performance and longevity of devices. We employ a range of advanced analytical X ray techniques to analyze the structural properties and transformations of these materials. By examining how changes in the material structure influence device efficiency and aging, we aim to provide insights that can lead to the development of more reliable and high-performing technologies.

What expertise and facilities does the team have to meet those objectives?
The SpecX Lab team at ISM-CNR possesses decades of expertise in the physicochemical analysis of innovative materials for energy applications. We are at the forefront of structural investigations, utilizing both conventional and energy-dispersive X-ray techniques that have been developed and patented in-house. The laboratory is dedicated to materials science research and is equipped with a range of instruments for the analysis of materials and integrated systems. To support the objectives of the GREENCAP project, the laboratory offers advanced techniques including X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray reflectometry (both conventional and energy-dispersive). Additionally, we employ complementary techniques such as MicroRaman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and optical methods (UV-Vis, FTIR).

Which aspects of your research at GREENCAP do you believe are the most innovative and what unique opportunities offer GREENCAP to yourself and/or your organization?
The most innovative aspect of our research at GREENCAP is the use of X-ray diffraction to directly correlate structural modifications in the materials with the performance of energy storage and conversion devices. By focusing on the structural properties of the different components, such as electrodes and electrolytes, we are able to gain valuable insights into how these materials evolve during operation and how their modifications affect overall device efficiency and longevity.

This approach is particularly crucial for optimizing complex systems like supercapacitors. Indeed, structural analysis provides key information that can be used to fine-tune material composition and design, ultimately leading to better performing and more durable devices.

The GREENCAP project offers unique opportunities for both personal and organizational growth. For myself, it provides the chance to collaborate with leading experts and institutions in the field, fostering interdisciplinary research that pushes the boundaries of current technology. For our organization, it enhances our capabilities and visibility in the field of materials science and the collaboration also facilitates access to cutting-edge resources and methodologies, further strengthening our position in the research and development of innovative energy solutions.

How do you see the future use of the GREENCAP results and the impact of GREENCAP project in our daily lives?
The GREENCAP project is set to make a transformative impact on the future of energy storage technologies, particularly through the development of advanced supercapacitors. These devices are emerging as key candidates for next-generation energy storage solutions due to their versatility and rapid charge-discharge capabilities.  Importantly, one of the core innovations of the GREENCAP project is the commitment to a fully green production chain and the avoidance of critical raw materials. By focusing on sustainable and abundant materials, the project reduces the environmental footprint associated with material extraction and processing, while also ensuring that the technology remains scalable and less reliant on limited global resources. This approach is critical in shaping a more sustainable energy future, where the environmental impact of energy storage technologies is minimized. Overall, the GREENCAP project’s results will contribute to more sustainable and efficient energy systems, making everyday technologies more reliable and environmentally friendly. The long-term progress and commercialization of these supercapacitors will not only advance technological capabilities but also address market demands for high-power energy storage solutions across various applications—all while ensuring a greener and more sustainable production approach.

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