GREENCAP at Notte Europea di NET 2024 – Science Together

On September 27-28, 2024, our partners from CNR (Amanda Generosi, Marco Guaragno, Flavia Righi Riva, and Fabio Ronci) actively participated in Notte Europea di NET 2024 – Science Together, a major event held in Rome at the NET village. This gathering brought together researchers from all NET partner institutions and key stakeholders, offering an engaging and inclusive platform to reach a wide audience, including citizens and students.

During the event, the CNR team presented GREENCAP’s cutting-edge research, focusing on supercapacitors – explaining their significance, current applications, and potential in future technologies in an accessible way for non-experts. Special emphasis was given to the topic of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), highlighting the importance of the European Critical Raw Materials Act and the GREENCAP project’s dedication to developing CRM-free supercapacitors.

We extend our gratitude to our CNR colleagues for representing the GREENCAP project and contributing to this impactful event!

Catch more highlights from the event – VIDEO CNR – NET Village 2024 – YouTube 

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