Functionalization of MXene and graphene materials

We are proud to announce that our GREENCAP partner UNISTRA, in collaboration with TUD, TCD, and BED, have completed a significant piece of work focused on functionalization of MXene and graphene materials, and demonstrating improved electrochemical properties.

Key findings from this work include:

  • Functionalization of Ti3C2Tx MXene with small organic molecules.
  • Functionalization of V2C MXene using diazonium salts to enhance K+ storage performance.
  • In-situ functionalization of MXene surfaces with borate polyanion groups through a flux-assisted eutectic molten etching approach.
  • Improvement of electrochemical performance of graphene-based supercapacitors via high-pressure homogenization and wet-jet milling.

These advancements contribute significantly to the project’s overall goal of developing high-performance SC electrodes, providing a solid foundation for future work in electrode material optimization and hybridization. The collaboration between different teams and methodologies highlights the project’s comprehensive approach to material innovation and electrochemical performance enhancement.


The full report can be found here on the Expected and Achieved Results page.

Project info
Project progress


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